Project Plan

The NC Defense Industry Diversification Initiative will conduct an analysis with the goal of helping vulnerable companies pursue alternative markets or find other methods to reduce their dependence on the DoD and, in doing so, lessen economic risk to the state.  This will be done through the following endeavors:

  1. Assess the strengths and weaknesses of NC’s defense industry, analyze the state’s capacity to respond to defense spending cuts;

  2. Pilot studies to analyze and plan business support efforts specific to the defense manufacturing supply chain, and;

  3. Develop a strategic plan in support of the defense industry in North Carolina. 


This will be done in an effort to retain and strengthen the defense sector workforce and businesses in North Carolina while at the same time supporting our nation’s defense interest



As a result of these efforts, NC DIDI seeks to obtain the following findings:

  1. An Assessment and forecasting capacity to understand the extent of the defense contracting footprint in the state,

  2. A Diversification strategy for companies overly reliant on defense spending, with clear alternative solutions and resources identified to support such diversification,

  3. A Defense contractor transition process that connects employees to growth industry and provides a technology tool to support their transition, and

  4. A Strategic plan for understanding and seizing opportunities for industry growth.

NC DIDI Factsheet

NC DIDI Brochure


Michael Mullins

Military Segment Manager &

Project Manager

Michael Mullins is the Industry Expansion Solutions Military Segment Regional Manager serving our statewide military clients. He is also a Project Manager for the NCDIDI.  Michael is a former Marine and retired Army Lieutenant Colonel that spent the majority of his career at Fort Bragg. He is housed at the NC State University Industry Expansion Solutions office. 

SDG, Inc

Strategic Development Group


Strategic Development Group, Inc. (SDG)  was selected to provide services for both the NC Defense Sector Supply Chain Mapping and the Pilot Project.   SDG has been helping clients in economic and community development since 1991. Their work includes: Downtown Revitalization, Economic development, comprehensive Land Use Planning, Helping not-for-profit organizations grow and Creating Manufacturing Innovation Hubs.

Nimasheena Burns

Communications Manager & Project Manager

NImasheena Burns is the Communications Manager and a Project Manager for the NCDIDI.  She is housed at the North Carolina Department of Military and Veterans Affairs. She will manage stakeholder engagement, outreach and communications for NC DIDI.

Rex Raiford

Regional Manager &

Pilot Project Manager

Rex Raiford is the regional manager covering the northeast region of North Carolina. He is housed at the NC State University Industry Expansion Solutions office.  applies and teaches proven techniques in productivity, quality, safety, energy and environmental management.

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